
Top Voted Definition for #eorganisation

We share roads & the Internet (eg Shared Infrastructure) we use spare capacity (eg Renting Cars) only buying what we need (one burger not all of McDonalds). Now consider enabling a way of businesses by collaborating on shared process and product delivery without having to build or buys all the means to do it! That's the principle of e-organisation..


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show_chart Other Definitions for #eorganisation

  • Start a business, buy products or services, value add and sell, add partners, expand geography, add capability, all by adding unused capacity - in single Network, through a single interface, all a PAYG Model... The's e-organisation. That's SPCHoldings & IRP


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  • A loose collection of organisations centered on a Value Creating Network... Shared Processes... Virtual... Agile... Responsive...Build it as you go! (This is the Killer application of Cloud today!) It's real and its SPC Holdings.com and its IRP...


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  • If you've ever heard of insourcing & outsourcing and tried to integrate or divest to make that happen you understand the system & process difficulties... It should be as easy as making a phone call.... That's the value proposition in "e-organisation" - Simplicity + Utility + Ubiquity in a PAYG model.


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  • E-organisation is about unleashing the power of multiple businesses collaborating with each adding Value through innovation and cost reduction...


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