
Top Voted Definition for #msftsrep
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A MSFT is someone who is their own individual, they're reckless and don't exactly care about what others think about them. other people's validation isn't important to them. it's someone who stands out from the crowd. the term "MSFTS" has been trademarked by Jaden Smith. Him, his sister Willow, Moises Arias, Mateo Arias, Jordyn Woods and Stella Hudgens are a big part of the MSFTS.


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show_chart Other Definitions for #msftsrep

  • "Helloo Homie just be rebellious and live different if you wanna do msft,homie just follow Jaden Smith if you wanna know what`s misfit #t written by Nakene Isaac"


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  • It's staying true to who you are and doing what makes you happy and complete. It's the feel of rain drops running down your face and feeling part of nature and the world around you .And knowing you play an important role in it, that without you the world would be incomplete and so you have to be yourself.Cause no one can out do your presents


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  • Misfits = msfts


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