
Top Voted Definition for #ripboybeliebermartin

A young boy committed suicide because of admiring Justin bieber. Shame on our society which does not do enough in order to stop bullying! Do anything you can in order to stop this horrible phenomena, it has to stop immediately!


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show_chart Other Definitions for #ripboybeliebermartin

  • A BoyBeliber Commited Suicide just because he was a fan of Justin Bieber. Why are people bullying otherss, okay if u have a problem with yourself or u want more attention, go to F*King Theropy!!


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  • Bring back martin


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  • Some people just don't do anything sometime it just not heard of some people are to weak to step in and to tell and to stand up for themself some grow up let it go on and if it not handle or not handle right this is what happan


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  • A young boy was bullied because he was a 'belieber'. He thought it was too much for him, so he decided to give up his OWN life. Bullying has to stop. You don't get any credit from it. If you see someone getting bullied, tell an adult - you could save a life!


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  • A boy belieber called martin comitted suicide as he was bullied for his taste in music


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  • A boy belieber, called Martin, commited suicide due to bulling for liking and following Justin Bieber.


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  • Its a portuguese boy belieber , he was bullied because he liked justin bieber. he comited suicide


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