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A tweet referring to a person without directly mentioning dem
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It's some sly little way for people to spite eachother on Twitter instead of dealing with their issues like adults in real life. -@technobadguy
Saying something that is intended for someone without mentioning their username. Used for both compliments and put downs.
It's A tweet made in a Subway restaurant
Basically its mentioning someone without using their name.
It's a secretive way of writing something with out mentioning the person in the tweet.
Talking shit about someone behind their back.... right in front of them :)
A sign of bitchassness
It's pretty much saying something about somebody without mentioning their name .
Tweeting about someone without mentioning them.. (subliminal tweet)
A subtweet is a tweet that refers to another tweet without mentioning the person or replying to the tweet
Talkin about someone with out sayin their name
If you ever hashtag #subtweet a horny kangaroo will destroy your ass from the inside out.
Being a little bitch and not mentioning who you're actually talking about.
#subtweet- Someone who's a little bitch that talk shit on others on the downlow while eating a sub. -@Retrod0pe
It's basically just #oomf
A simple way to talk shit without getting punched , or indirectness( #oomf ).
Aka being a butthead
When you tweet about someone, without actually using their name. It could be good or bad, normally bad. When people post bad stuff It's pretty much a sign immaturity.
It's a bitch way to be an internet gangsta w/o dealing with face to face conflict
-,Not Mentioning Someone So People Dont Be All In Ya Business ... !!
The act of talking about or referring to other Twitter account without using its corresponding '@' suffix, often substituted with a '#'.
It's some sly little way for people to spite eachother on Twitter instead of dealing with their issues like adults in real life.
Tweeting in a train
Might be younger Tweet --#subtweet
It means letting that person know something without using there name so they can't come back at u claiming here talking shit but
Basically a person is too big of a bitch to say it to the person
Talking shit, basicly.
To tawk abt someone on twitter without saying there name so they never know
Talkgin shxt like a lil bitch
A very immature method of reffering to someone on twitter
Subtweeting is pretty much just being a wuss and not being upfront to a person about how you feel about them or their actions. Unless it's an inside joke, you're being a "closet shit talker".
Blah blah blah
Figure it out hoe
Connie johnson!!!!!
Juss called subtweet
You try to hard.. just please.
I Dont Know What It Is!
I love to have fun
Refering to a certain person without saying there name EXAMPLE: fell at the park yesterday lol #Subtweet inside joke!
Being a punk .. basicly
It's the shortening of "subliminal tweet" which is directly referring to a particular person without mentioning their name or directly mentioning them and it basically indicates that the tweet in which the hashtag is used is a subliminal tweet.