
Top Voted Definition for #br45il

PSDB (Party of Brazilian SOCIAL-DEMOCRACY) isn't "right-wing" at all. It's center-left, and it's only due to the absence of any strong right-wing or center-right party in Brazil that Gramscian leftist PT (Lula's party) can get away with demagogically portraying them as "right-wing".


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show_chart Other Definitions for #br45il

  • BR45IL is a humorous way of writing "BRAZIL 45", the registration number of the Party of Brazilian Social Democracy (PSDB). In opposition to Marxist-Leninist Workers Party (PT)


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  • It means "Brazil 45". 45 is the number of the right-wing party PSDB.


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  • PSDB isn't a right-wing party. It is a social democratic party, center-left. It is named "ritgh-wing" party due to a negative campaign made by their enemies of the marxist-leninist Worker's Party (PT), that likes to win ugly.


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