Top Voted Definition for #ffThere's more definitions for #ff in other languages
#ff is the same as (short for) #followfriday.
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Every friday you can use #followfriday (#FF) to suggest people to follow.
Using #ff (or #followfriday) in a tweet along with 1 or more @names means you recommend those people as worth following.
Follow Friday
#ff is short for #followfriday, you should suggest one or two great tweeps to follow, no more
It means follow friday. It's a special day to follow as many times as possible. (just for those who want, of course!)
#FF = Follow Friday
It short for "Federation Force", in the video game Metroid
#ff stands for followfriday, this is one of very powerful hashtag ever
Fiesta forever brojos. Like beans!
Fat Frank all the way
Ff means Firefox, duh!
F*king Friday
Final Fantasy sure lol
Fantasy Football
Fantasy football
Frowning face
FF = Fun Fact
Ff - 2 alternative definitions: 1. fake friends 2. fortissimo (if you read music)
#ff Means FollowFriday And/Or FavoriteFollower(s)
Friendly follow
Friendly fire.
I still don't get it.
Fit Friends
FF=Female-Female MM=Male-Male They're used to categorize cheesy escapist romance novels relating to same sex relationships.
#FiveForFun is the tag used for a social event win $5 for the fun of a follow and retweet
France Forte, the campaign slogan for the election of Nicolas Sarkozy
#FF means "Fossil Fuels" We use capital fs because Fossil Fuels run EVERYTHING THAT MATTERS
Friendly Frenemies
Follow Friday : on Fridays, way of recommending the best sources on Twitter
#FF = Follow Friday. ::)
French Fancy
Ff means friendly fire. That is, being shot by your own team.
Ff means fiesta funky
I know lots of people use it to mean following, as in thank you for following or I am following [@/list]. ff is an old proofreaders mark meaning following so it made sense to me.
Firefox (not used very commonly)
Ff= foreskin free clueless kinks
This is the Hashtag for Follow Friday
#FF means Fantasy Football
Final Fantasy
It's #FollowFriday and it means to follow the people you choose when you write #FF on twitter!
F*kn follow. duh. lol
Felix Felisis or liquid luck
#FF = Friday Favorite. Tweeting #FF (Followed by one @name or several) means that this user is your favorite for this Friday (or this week).
FF = Future Fiance
#FF : Follow Friday (:
Forever Floundering - whaich is what I am trying to figure out what this means :(
Recommending user to others
Most likely means Follow Friday, if not friday could mean Friendfeed or Firefox
Friend or foe
Friends forever
Follow Friday, Friend Finder, Fishing Friends
It means follow people
I've more often seen and used #ff in reference to #Firefox
#FF also now means FIBBING FRIDAY.
Someone just suggested #FF should mean #FavoriteFriends
Morons ! There's only one pure meaning: Fist F*ck !
Full frontal
An abbreviation of Firefox
1A It means Follow Friday. But who knows who Friday is? Follow @technobadguy instead!!
Also means foogly face
Fully farked mate... fully farked
Favorite Follower
It means two f
IDk What The hell lol