show_chart Other Definitions for #ftb
It 100% means "For The Boys" mostly used by hockey players to describe things they have done
For the boys = hockey slang
It's a term commonly used by hockey players that refers to women they have done or want to do or pick up.
Feed the Beast
For the boys it's a hockey thing...
For the Bitches
For the bro ;) its a almost naked selfie for your best friend. mostly girls send to boys
F_ _K The Begrudgers Expression of virulent scorn of critics by those determined to continue regardless of anything
Feed The Beast, ein Minecraft Modpack
Feed The Beast, a Minecraft modpack
F*** the bullshit
It probably means for the boys
Stands for "filling the bowl" a term commonly used by teenage boys, it is an experession for pooping, litterally filling the toilet bowl with ones shit.