Top Voted Definition for #ssThere's more definitions for #ss in other languages
It's follow friday in portuguese #SS means "siga sexta".
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The defeniton of ss meaning screen shot
#ss sexy saturday (similar as #ff, but you recommend people to get *** with)
It is a portuguese translation for #ff, adopted by some brazilian twitters. So it is an abreviation form for #SigaSexta (#FollowFriday). See more http://bit.ly/9CRtsX
It's the spanish version of #FF follow friday. #SS seguir sabado, just in this case it's not friday but saturday
Symbolic system - a system of interconnected symbolic meanings.
Social Security. The "slush fund" #TeaPubliKKKans want to sell off to Wall Street & Corporations
Name your Saturday Superstar followers.
#SS could also mean Selfie Sunday. Often times this will be the case.
Simsimi duhh dnt u have the apppp
Short Sale -- the seller elected to do a short sale because his home was underwater and he had a financial hardship.
Smartly dressed military types in Hugo Boss suits
Sunday Shoutout - People are promoting/shouting out to their followers
Social security - a bureaucratic nightmare for anyway attempting to get service.
Source Safe, the old and obsolete version control system from Microsoft.
#SS - Superior Sunday Sunday is the first day of the week, highest rank and it is associated with Sun
#SS Super Saturday - as in Have a Super Saturday - and Sunday too, while you are at it!
Secret Story (A dutch reality show)
Selfie Sunday - when someone takes a picture of themselves on Sunday.
#SS Saturday Shoutout - People are promoting/shouting out to their followers.