
Top Voted Definition for #balidriver

My name is Made Sudarsana. I am the second child of ten brothers and sisters. A native of Bali, I am from Tabanan regency, about 65 km northwest of the Bali airport. I now live in Denpasar. More than fifteen years experience as a Personal Bali Driver, and I will do my best to help you have a wonderful time while in Bali. While working as a driver with the Astra car rental company and as a "stand-by" driver at the Four Seasons Resorts at Jimbaran Bay and at Sayan, freelance driver at Hard Rock Hotel in Kuta and now freelance driver at Bali Benoa cruise port. I have escorted guests from all over the world. I can give you advice and suggestions about where to go, what to see, where to shop, which restaurants are the best, and what you should do (and not do) during your stay in Bal Please contact me by email madesudarsana2002@yahoo.com or whatsapp +62816581787


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