
Top Voted Definition for #ff
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#ff is the same as (short for) #followfriday.


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show_chart Other Definitions for #ff

  • Every friday you can use #followfriday (#FF) to suggest people to follow.


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  • Using #ff (or #followfriday) in a tweet along with 1 or more @names means you recommend those people as worth following.


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  • Follow Friday


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  • #ff is short for #followfriday, you should suggest one or two great tweeps to follow, no more


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  • It means follow friday. It's a special day to follow as many times as possible. (just for those who want, of course!)


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  • #FF = Follow Friday


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  • It short for "Federation Force", in the video game Metroid


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  • #ff stands for followfriday, this is one of very powerful hashtag ever


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  • Fiesta forever brojos. Like beans!


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  • Fat Frank all the way


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  • Ff means Firefox, duh!


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  • F*king Friday


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  • Final Fantasy sure lol


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  • Fantasy Football


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  • Fantasy football


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  • Frowning face


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  • FF = Fun Fact


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  • Ff - 2 alternative definitions: 1. fake friends 2. fortissimo (if you read music)


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  • #ff Means FollowFriday And/Or FavoriteFollower(s)


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  • Friendly follow


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  • Friendly fire.


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  • I still don't get it.


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  • Fit Friends


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  • FF=Female-Female MM=Male-Male They're used to categorize cheesy escapist romance novels relating to same sex relationships.


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  • #FiveForFun is the tag used for a social event win $5 for the fun of a follow and retweet


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  • France Forte, the campaign slogan for the election of Nicolas Sarkozy


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  • #FF means "Fossil Fuels" We use capital fs because Fossil Fuels run EVERYTHING THAT MATTERS


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  • Friendly Frenemies


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  • Follow Friday : on Fridays, way of recommending the best sources on Twitter


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  • #FF = Follow Friday. ::)


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  • French Fancy


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  • Ff means friendly fire. That is, being shot by your own team.


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  • Ff means fiesta funky


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  • I know lots of people use it to mean following, as in thank you for following or I am following [@/list]. ff is an old proofreaders mark meaning following so it made sense to me.


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  • Firefox (not used very commonly)


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  • Ff= foreskin free clueless kinks


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  • This is the Hashtag for Follow Friday


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  • #FF means Fantasy Football


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  • Final Fantasy


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  • It's #FollowFriday and it means to follow the people you choose when you write #FF on twitter!


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  • F*kn follow. duh. lol


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  • Felix Felisis or liquid luck


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  • #FF = Friday Favorite. Tweeting #FF (Followed by one @name or several) means that this user is your favorite for this Friday (or this week).


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  • FF = Future Fiance


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  • #FF : Follow Friday (:


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  • Forever Floundering - whaich is what I am trying to figure out what this means :(


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  • Recommending user to others


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  • Most likely means Follow Friday, if not friday could mean Friendfeed or Firefox


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  • Friend or foe


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  • Friends forever


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  • Follow Friday, Friend Finder, Fishing Friends


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  • It means follow people


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  • I've more often seen and used #ff in reference to #Firefox


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  • #FF also now means FIBBING FRIDAY.


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  • Someone just suggested #FF should mean #FavoriteFriends


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  • Morons ! There's only one pure meaning: Fist F*ck !


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  • Full frontal


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  • An abbreviation of Firefox


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  • 1A It means Follow Friday. But who knows who Friday is? Follow @technobadguy instead!!


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  • Also means foogly face


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  • Solucionesilimitadas


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  • Fully farked mate... fully farked


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  • Favorite Follower


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  • It means two f


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  • IDk What The hell lol


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  • FriendlyFire


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