Top Voted Definition for #iykykThere's more definitions for #iykyk in other languages
The abbreviation of IYKYK IS * if you know you know* basically it's saying... either feel the same as I do, then you understand how important this experience or moment in time/possession/person/experience is to me. Similar phrases ; Do you feel me? Are we on the same page? Either you get it, or you don't!
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some stupid spam that people like to do
if you know, you know. as in probably not everybody will understand something or get a certain joke. i found a good rule of thumb is that is also generally means don't ask what they mean by it if you don't understand. that's what the internet is for
It is a slag abbreviation for if you know, you know.
The noise of a waterfall in the forest. Stormy mountain river.(White noise for sleep and meditation)
I yoked, kicked your k9 lol (as in dog)
Iykyk is a short term used for "if you know you know"nothing less nothing more