Top Voted Definition for #p2
A resource for progressives using social media who prioritize diversity and empowerment, the "progressive batchannel", and an umbrella tag for information for progressives on Twitter. There is now simple directory of progressives associated with the #p2 tag. Join it here: http://tweetprogress.us/
show_chart Other Definitions for #p2
Liberals on twitter
Progressive: Embodies priorities consistent with the values, needs & hopes of all people, not just the powerful/privileged. Values: fighting for economic justice & security in the U.S. & global economies, protecting & preserving civil rights & civil liberties, promoting global peace & security, & advancing environmental protection & energy independence. It is NOT Socialism/Marxism/Communism etc.
Progressive Propaganda
Imagine you feel the same about govt & economics as those responsible for the 1917 & 1949 revolutions, but you know that socialism & Marxism are political poison. What do you do? You form a "new" movement dedicated to the old principles, but with a new "look", new terms. It's called "re-branding".
Amalgamation of Communists, Socialists and Progressives on Twitter.
From its roots defined July2009, A group of like minded liberals whose agenda is (p2): PenisPuffing. A new progressive forward leaning accept us as the new America - you voted for it - go Obama!
Progressive network seeking to squander Conservatism in the name of "social justice" and silence Conservatives on Twitter by sending them to #TwitterGulag
Priority #2 More diversified and sustainable financing. Topic at the National Summit for the Charitable and Nonprofit Sector. http://nationalsummit.ca/program/priorities-for-action
Progressive Plantation
Traitors, no more and no less. It is truly this simple
#p2 =Pawns to second power (satan aka communism, socialism, marxism, nwo, anything that is anti-God and Freedom)
There is a 'satanic' connection ref: #P2 & liberals / progressives / #NWO adherents in that it refers to Propaganda Due, a Masonic lodge operating under the Grand Orient of Italy with Vatican connections ~ SEE Wikipedia article >> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Propaganda_Due
A liberal twit that yearns for cradle to grave government dependence, dancing vaginas and leg tingling sensations first alluded to by their head penis Chris Matthews.
A way to find extreme leftist content and opinions on twitter that offer up a good laugh.
People rejecting catorization and name calling.
Radical Leftists ('Progressives'), AKA Marxists, Communists, NAZIs (National Socialists), etc. who want to increase size of gov't to the point of overwhelming 'the system,' so that it can fall, and be replaced by a Marxist dictatorship, with them in control. They're basically king-men.
Statists (not liberal) on Twitter. Liberals support freedom. Statists support government control.
True Americans who care more about America being great than wanton greed and selfishness.
A way for communist sympathizers to find each others tweets
Loopy folks
This hashtag is used by socialists/communists and their sympathizers to disseminate propaganda and anti-American sentiment.
#p2 big government liberals whose main goal is to destroy the Constitution and replace it with a Marxist society.