
Top Voted Definition for #sinterklaasintocht

It's a Dutch tradition. It is the Origin of Santa Clause. Copied by Coca Cola it became a worldwide phenomenon. This national event takes place around the 5th of december, but he arives somewhere mid november, in 2012 that was 11/12/11.


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show_chart Other Definitions for #sinterklaasintocht

  • "Its a Dutch tradition. It is the Dutch version of Santa Clause. This man is very very popular by kids under 10." It's not a dutch version of Santa Clause, because we have Santa Clause too (KerstMan). Sinterklaars looks like Santa.


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  • It is not the version of Santa Clause, Santa's based on SInterklaas, but 'our' Santa CLaus is called "de Kerstman" That means Chrismas guy xD It is just an old tradition, but chistmas is bigger than Sinterklaas ;)


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  • Santa Claus and 'Sinterklaas' share the same origin, but have grown into 2 separate 'persons'/ celebrations. "sinterklaas intocht" is the day 'Sinterklaas' will arrive into the town, ther is also an "official" Sinterklaas intocht, this will be broadcast on national television. In 2012 that will be November 17 in Holland he will arrive in Roermond, in Belgium he will arrive in Antwerp


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  • Its a Dutch tradition. It is the Dutch version of Santa Clause. This man is very very popular by kids under 10.


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