Top Voted Definition for #sorrynotsorryThere's more definitions for #sorrynotsorry in other languages
Sorry but not really actually sorry
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Sorry but not really sorry
You are basically saying "I'm sorry I'm not sorry" just condensed. :)
Saying ur sorry bt u actually dont give 2 shits
You type sorry but you are not actually sorry.
Something morons hashtag on IG, when it is completely unrelated. apologizing for absolutely nothing. "ERMAHGERD! LOOK AT MY NEW HAIR! #FITFAM #PRETTY #BEAUTIFUL #REBEL #SORRYNOTSORRY!
It's just saying "I'm sorry but I'm not sorry for what I've done "
Sorry I'm taking the privilege u sought or thought u had, but I'm not sorry. Lions 'definition of 'fittest' is to celebrate the one that takes meat off everyone's plate. Just scaling down. Sorry if this produces a less fit legacy compared to the freeze thaw cycle capability of a painted turtle. Sorry to my children+ if my privilege doesn't work for you. #ss4s @tagdef
I love harrystyles! It means you love everything about him and that he is perfection :)
Sorry kiss my ass
Pretending to be sorry, but not having the guts to actually say what you mean
Sorry not sorry
You say 'Sorry Not Sorry' or #sorrynotsorry when you are saying 'sorry' but aren't afraid to say that you aren't actually sorry. Example: "Uhh hi yeah about our breakup, sorry not sorry"