
Top Voted Definition for #tcot
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Top Conservatives on Twitter is a coalition of conservatives on the Internet. This hashtag has over 1 million followers.


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show_chart Other Definitions for #tcot

  • #tcot = top conservatives on twitter


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  • Top Conservatives on Twitter


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  • Top Conservatives On Twitter. The most widely used hashtag for conservatives on Twitter. Added by @FreeRepublicUSA


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  • A group of people with a greater grasp of the bigger picture, often opposed to stripping individuals of purpose and saddling with debt while getting them addicted to a nanny-state and welfare. Believers in equality of opportunity not equality of things, personal responsibility and charity from the heart, not charity by government.


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  • A hashtag where conservatives with no ideas come for ideas from conservatives with ideas.


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  • Tomboys caught opening tuna


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  • These closet nazis are out for blood


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  • Talented Canadian on Twitter


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  • Typical Cult Of Turncoats; Time Can Obfuscate Totalitarianism. Those who don't realize that the Blue States pay more in taxes and subsidize the Red States. The Red States have more welfare and poverty and comprise more of Romney's 47%.


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  • This tag means Patriotic American Against eXtreme Ideas


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  • Tainted Christlovers of Twitter. People who are delusional and don't believe in evolution because it is just a "theory." Gravity is also just a "theory" so let's hope those people just up and float away.


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  • Top Conspiracy theorists On Twitter


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  • Totally Cool On Twitter


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  • People who pretend to be conservative use this tag to describe themselves. There are very few actual conservatives on Twitter.


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  • The best tag ever to use if you want to piss off a whole bunch of teabaggers!


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  • This is the hashtag of Honor, Truth & The TRUE American way. Americans who deal in facts & not pipe dreams as the Globalists & Climate Change Frauds do! Tcot means youre definitely NOT a scumbag Socialist-Communist Progressive who purposefully ruin this country for decades to come. Progressive Democrats are giving away the wealth of America in hopes to Transform us into a European Communist Hell!


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  • What would Jimmy Buffett Do?


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  • Morons getting together to tell each other how clever they are.


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  • The Communist Of Twitter


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  • Teaparty Cranks On Twitter


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  • Top Crazies on Twitter


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  • A group of people with little to no grasp of the so-called bigger picture, often opposed to scientific thought, education, and the general betterment of society. see also #hatriot | http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hypocrisy


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