Top Voted Definition for #teamfollowback
What losers do to get meaningless followers on twitter
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Meaning that you will follow back
A very cheating but addictive way of getting more interesting followers. Way better than being followed by a gang of Twitter spammers. Trust me!
Gayest shit ever
Some say i follow back but they don't follow you back
An antisocial group (usually people who have been brainwashed) working left and right to ask that do RT their tweets and follow to another account of the same. My recommendation is to Block and Report SPAM to see if Twitter removes the accounts in one fell swoop.
Meaning if you follow someone they will follow you back. If they don't follow back it might as well say #teamlegitliar
Scamers & hustlers on twitter pretending to be fake rappers and pop stars to steer the traffic of young twitter users, usually lying about a follow back, ie, follow so and so to get a follow back from me
It truely means that anyone who follows you & helps you gain 1 follower weather to look cool or not, they will be nice and follow you back so you can gain as well. #TeamFollowBack4Life !
Hate #teamfollowback how the heck did they get my name Reporting for spam What irritating posts -
It's a tag used by people looking to score followers, primarily used by youths into urban or "thug" culture.
I think it's to get followers because you follow back, like mentioned above, but if noones interested in your post, and is just an out of the blue follower, I don't see what you gain? Aha it sounds okay though, peace :)
A following group started by @FreddyAmazin to help sucka ass people get followers.