
Top Voted Definition for #gunsense

A Bloomberg funded political movement with goals of full repeal of 2A rights, implementing registry of 2A supporters.


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show_chart Other Definitions for #gunsense

  • #gunsense is a pretext for the eventual real or constructive repeal of the US Second Amendment. A # now being overtaken by defenders of the civil right that guards all other rights. A Mike Bloomberg funded astroturf movement to disarm us bit by bit. He'd get more followers and save more lives using #drugsense against the much more deadly and true epidemic of drug over-dose deaths (Google it).


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  • An idiotic Bloomberg funded movement by progressives to take away our God given right to defend ourselves and our families. In their opinion guns are the cause of every problem in America. Where's the movement to demonize knives, hammers, bats, fists, automobiles and the list could go on forever. Typical #liblogic.


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  • A # used to symbolise support for 'common sense' gun laws which allow gun possession within second amendment rules; but, which supports the tightening of purchasing, storage, and licensing laws with the aim of reducing gun related fatalities.


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