
Top Voted Definition for #leech

A hillbilly.sleeveless shirt wearing ex associate from walmart.the kind that show up with 5 carts full of frozens foods on county check day.sweaty musty guts rolling over the electric powered fat people carts.the ones who spit out phrases like "i done told ya ah dont have herpes" and "how in the hell can my medicare be canceled!? im a god dang republican!."#losing


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show_chart Other Definitions for #leech

  • Same as a tick. Refers to a liberal, a member of the recipient class, a parasite, a moocher, a general waste of a human being. Someone who lives off of a government income (that has been stolen from producers). Votes a straight liberal ticket in order to ensure that the money keeps on coming. Known to utter phrases like "I want my Obama cash".


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