
Top Voted Definition for #letsgoeat

In the 10th inning of the Pirates at Phillies game on July 31, 2011, moments before Pence doubled and scored the winning run, Shane Victorino told teammates to win the game because he was hungry. Newly acquired Phillie Hunter Pence told broadcasters "Good game. Let's go eat," was going through his mind as he was rounding third base.


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show_chart Other Definitions for #letsgoeat

  • In an exta-inning game on 7/31/11 against the Pirates, Phillies center fielder Victorino said to newly-acquired right fielder Pence (paraphrasing): win this game, I'm hungry! After Pence scored the winning run (driven in by left fielder Ibanez), Victorino said "Good game- let's go eat!"


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