
Top Voted Definition for #prayforshay

Was at the Drake concert in Nashville. He did note the sign and say to 18000 people to pray for Shay! Thanks for the sign and Amen!


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  • Shay has passed away


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  • THIS is a very special cause shay was a great gurl


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  • It is a way of getting prayers lifted up to God. She had a 1% chance of survival. But Science only goes so far guys, our God is way greater & he has the power to heal her. Her name is Sheridan Edwards and was ejected from the car in an awful awful accident. Please keep her in your prayers. any time you think about her, say a prayer.


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  • She was in a car with a driven by a friend running from the police. After running several red lights, the car hit a pole and crashed into an embankment. Here is the link from the Johnson City newspaper. http://www.johnsoncitypress.com/News/article.php?id=98306


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  • On Feb. 15, 2012, Sheridan Edwards, an 18-year-old girl from Kingsport, Tennessee, was in a serious car accident. Doctors gave her a 1% chance of living, and with the help of prayer, she is fighting to beat the odds. #prayforshay is a call to action inviting everyone worldwide to join in prayer for Shay, her family, friends, and those who love her dearly.


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  • There is a girl from Kingsport, TN named Sheridan Edwards. She was in a serious car accident, and she is fighting for her life. The #prayforshay is something that was started for everyone around the world to know, and pray for Shay!


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